Episode 123

EP 123-Chemical Free Body with The Health Hero Tim James

Tim James is one of those guys that will leave you feeling younger and more energetic just by hearing him speak. His passion flows out of him like a fresh waterfall in a dry desert. He’s turning 48 but feels like he’s 18 (with more energy!) What’s his secret? Tim’s journey led him to a shocking discovery that helped his friend beat cancer and transform every area of his life. Feeling charged with a duty to help others he started sharing his knowledge with anyone that would listen. This led him to produce his own chemical-free food products. Chemicalfreebody.com was born. His story will have you laughing, crying, and gasping but most importantly he will give you the recipe to a longer, happier, and healthier life. Are you looking for the next step on your health journey and want to get some one-to-one support? As a thank you for listening to the show and being proactive with your health I’d like to offer you a $200 discount on an initial consultation with me. On this visit, we do a deep dive into your current state of health and the goals you have and together craft a plan to help you move forward confidently. To learn more visit https://www.emergentwomenih.com/initial-consult. The link is also in the show notes. I would love to connect with you and partner with you on your health journey. Thank you for tuning in to Emerge-The Health Podcast for Busy, High Performing Women, where we provide you with the tools, information, and inspiration you need to transform from overwhelmed, overworked, and overweight to vibrant, energetic, and on fire. If you enjoyed the show, please head over to iTunes to subscribe and leave us a review. Each month I will select one lucky reviewer to receive a special impeccable health sample kit from me. Also, I don't want to be working with you on your health, only once or twice a week. I want to be in this conversation, and in the trenches with you every single day. I invite you to join me at www.emergentwomenih.com for even more information, inspiration, and motivation to transform your health and become vibrant, energetic, and on fire. Until next time, remember to keep putting yourself first so that you can better serve the ones you love. And the things you are passionate about. Be sure to check out our website, follow us on Facebook and Linked In, and Instagram.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Reimagined
The Show Where Women Transform Selfless Syndrome

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